Trips with kayaks or on bicycles


We organize trips with kayaks down Merkys, Ūla and Grūda rivers.
The length of Ūla river is 84 km. The source of the river is in Belarus. The river is rather fast-flowing and curvy therefore it is quite difficult, but interesting to canoe down the river. While kayaking down Ūla river you will be able to have a look at the villages of Dzūkija.
The length of Merkys river is 203 km. The source of the river is in Belarus. The river flows into river Nemunas at the mound of Merkinė. It is easier to travel down Merkys river than Ūla river therefore for those kayaking for the first time we offer to select Merkys river.
You will not be sorry if you choose kayaking down Grūda river thanks to its many sharp turns and 4-5 km of the last stony river stretch., which at some points is as adventurous as the mountain river! At this stretch Grūda drops down by 22 meters, river slope is 0.97 cm (the Lithuanian average is approximately 0.7cm/m). Grūda flows through Marcinkonys village.


Trips on bicycles:

We organize trips on bicycles to national park of Dzūkija (žemėlapis galimi maršrutai). Even an extreme cyclist will find a suitable route for him or her.


Trips in winter:

For groups we offer trips to ski route in  “SNOW ARENA” in Druskininkai;
Trips with dog sleds, horse sleds;