
Hosts: Daiva ir Rimas Sukackai
Pagronyčio village, Merkinė township, Varėna district, Lithuania
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Main phone number: +370 652 80080
Second number: +370 650 86458

Arrival instructions:

From Vilnius:
Drive towards Druskininkai;
At Merkinė crossroads take right towards Alytus;
After 11 km, on the right side there will be a sign for village Ilgininkai;
Turn into the village and drive on the main road 3 km;
On the left side, in the forest you will find recreation centre-hotel "Nojaus laivas".
Google Maps

From Kaunas:
Drive through Alytus;
From Alytus town drive towards Druskininkai;
After 18 km, on the right side there will be a sign for village Ilgininkai;
Turn into the village and drive on the main road 3 km;
On the left side, in the forest you will find recreation centre-hotel "Nojaus laivas".
Google Maps